yate学习--yateclass.h--class YATE_API RefObject : public GenObject_class test1_api umyobject : public uobject报错-程序员宅基地

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 * A reference counted object.
 * 引用计数的对象
 * Whenever using multiple inheritance you should inherit this class virtually.
 * 使用多重继承,一般都会继承这个类
class YATE_API RefObject : public GenObject
    YNOCOPY(RefObject); // no automatic copies please
     * The constructor initializes the reference counter to 1!
     * 构造函数,初始化引用计数器为1.
     * Use deref() to destruct the object when safe
     * 使用deref()去销毁这个对象在安全的时候

     * Destructor.
    virtual ~RefObject();

     * Get a pointer to a derived class given that class name
     * 获取一个指向派生类的指针,因为类名
     * @param name Name of the class we are asking for
     * @参数 name,请求的类名
     * @return Pointer to the requested class or NULL if this object doesn't implement it
     * @返回被请求类的地址,为NULL,如果这个对象没有实例化
    virtual void* getObject(const String& name) const;

     * Check if the object is still referenced and safe to access.
     * 检查对象是否依旧被引用并且安全的访问
     * Note that you should not trust this result unless the object is locked
     * 注意,不能完全相信这个结果,除非对象被其他方法锁定
     *  by other means.
     * @return True if the object is referenced and safe to access
     * @返回True,如果对象被引用并且安全的访问
    virtual bool alive() const;

     * Increments the reference counter if not already zero
     * 增加引用计数器,如果不为0
     * @return True if the object was successfully referenced and is safe to access
     * @返回True,如果对象被引用并且安全的访问
    bool ref();

     * Decrements the reference counter, destroys the object if it reaches zero
     * 减少引用计数器,如果为0则销毁对象
     * <pre>
     * // Deref this object, return quickly if the object was deleted
     * if (deref()) return;
     * </pre>
     * @return True if the object may have been deleted, false if it still exists and is safe to access
     * @返回true,如果对象已经被删除,false,依旧存在并且安全的访问
    bool deref();

     * Get the current value of the reference counter
     * 获取引用计数器当前的值
     * @return The value of the reference counter
    inline int refcount() const
	{ return m_refcount; }

     * Refcounted objects should just have the counter decremented.
     * 引用计数对象减少计数器
     * That will destroy them only when the refcount reaches zero.
     * 当引用计数器为0的时候销毁
    virtual void destruct();

     * Check if reference counter manipulations are efficient on this platform.
     * 检查在这个平台上引用计数器对象是否有效
     * If platform does not support atomic operations a mutex pool is used.
     * 如果该平台不支持原子操作使用互斥对象池
     * @return True if refcount uses atomic integer operations
     * @返回true,如果对象计数使用原子整数操作
    static bool efficientIncDec();

     * This method is called when the reference count reaches zero after
     * 当该应用计数为0之后调用这个方法
     *  unlocking the mutex if the call to zeroRefsTest() returned true.
     * 如果调用zeroRefsTest() 返回true,解除这个互斥锁
     * The default behaviour is to delete the object.
     * 默认删除这个对象
    virtual void zeroRefs();

     * Bring the object back alive by setting the reference counter to one.
     * Note that it works only if the counter was zero previously
     * @return True if the object was resurrected - its name may be Lazarus ;-)
    bool resurrect();

     * Pre-destruction notification, called just before the object is deleted.
     * Unlike in the destructor it is safe to call virtual methods here.
     * Reimplementing this method allows to perform any object cleanups.
    virtual void destroyed();

    int m_refcount;
    Mutex* m_mutex;

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